NeuroArts is designed to promote research-led teaching, and, although an autonomous project, it is synergic with PoeticA. Through this project we aim to develop an academic programme in neuroaesthetics, where our research can be transposed into teaching. In the academic year 2021-2022, ten Romanian students from the University of Suceava participated in a study and research mobility at the University of Bergen in Norway, gaining 3 credits in a neuroaesthetics programme that, in time, will become a joint Romanian-Norwegian study programme with its own course manual and curriculum, based in our specific research themes.
Between 2020-2023, NeuroArts was funded through the Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeships and Youth Entrepreneurship Programme (ESAYEP), the most extensive programme dedicated to Romanian education within the EEA Grants.
Joint University of Bergen-University of Suceava Neuroaesthetics course, autumn 2021,
(at the University of Bergen)

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